dijous, 9 de març del 2017

It's time to dance!

[ENG] Thursday means music, so our English session can't be different. This week we have danced a new song. It is very funny and also a little difficult because we have to seem little bunnies. We have to hop, we have to run and we have to walk in the class like if we were Easter rabbits. 
Easter is coming, thanks to it and to the song we can count to 10! It's fantastic!

Have a look at the link, you can dance at home!

[CAT] Dijous significa música, doncs a la nostra sessió d'Anglès no pot ser diferent. Aquesta setmana hem ballat una nova cançó. És molt divertida però també una mica difícil perquè hem de semblar conillets petits. Hem de saltar, córrer i caminar per tota la classe com si fóssim conillets de Pasqua.
Setmana Santa està arribant, i gràcies a això i a la cançó ja podem comptar fins a 10! És fantàstic!

Cliqueu a l'enllaç, podeu ballar també a casa!

Easter Song

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