divendres, 3 de març del 2017

A new friend

[ENG] Mr. Carnestoltes has left but someone new has arrived in La Mainada. We have known a new friend: a Green pear. This pear is very nice because it is smiling all day. We are really happy; thanks to it we have learnt a new colour. It has brought a lot of new pictures and now we can choose between three different colours: red, yellow and green. The truth is we are doing really well!

We are happy to introduce you our new friend!

[CAT] El Sr. Carnestoltes ha marxat però ha arribat a La Mainada algú nou. Hem conegut a un nou amic: una Pera Verda. Aquesta pera és molt simpàtica perquè està sempre contenta i nosaltres estem molt contents perquè gràcies a ella hem après un nou color. La pera ens ha portat moltes imatges noves i ara podem escollir entre tres diferents colors: vermell, groc i verd. La veritat és que ho fem realment bé!

Estem contents de presentar-vos la nostra nova amiga!

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