divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

Painting the Star

[ENG] During these days, our new friend, the nice Star, has had a big problem: She had lost her yellow colour. Súpers and Menuts wanted to help her because the Star was so sad. All of them found the solution quickly: Looking for all yellow colours that the teachers have in La Mainada and painting the Star with them, she will shine again. While the Star was recovering its colour, she started to smile again

[CAT] Aquests dies, la nostra simpàtica amiga, l'Estrelleta, ha tingut un gran problema: Havia perdut el seu color groc. Els Súpers i els Menuts van voler ajudar-la perquè estava molt trista. Tots, van trobar, ràpidament la solució: Buscant tots els colors grocs de La Mainada i pintant l'Estrelleta, aquesta tornaria a brillar. Mentre l'estaven pintant i ella anava recuperant el color, començava a somriure una altra vegada.

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