divendres, 13 de gener del 2017

New Term

[ENG] After holidays, we have started a new term with new songs and vocabulary, and of course, we have known a new friend: A YELLOW STAR

This first week we have been speaking about winter and the weather in this season which is very very cold, so we need to wear specific clothes like gloves or scarf.

Furthermore, the Yellow Monster is in the class, so we have discovered yellow objects in the class and in a lot of pictures.
Now, we can find red and yellow things at home or in the street like the children in the songs below do.

[CAT] Després de les vacances, hem començat nou trimestre amb noves cançons i nou vocabulari, i evidentment, una nova amiga ha vingut per ensenyar-nos moltes coses: L'ESTRELLA GROGA.

Aquesta primera setmana, hem estat parlant sobre l'hivern i el temps tant gèlid que és necessari portar guants o bufanda.

A més a més, com que el Monstre de color groc és a la classe, hem buscat tota mena d'objectes d'aquest color, tant a la classe com en fotografies.
Ara, ja podem trobar coses vermelles i grogues a casa o al carrer, tal i com els nens de les cançons de l'enllaç fan.

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