divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

Painting the Star

[ENG] During these days, our new friend, the nice Star, has had a big problem: She had lost her yellow colour. Súpers and Menuts wanted to help her because the Star was so sad. All of them found the solution quickly: Looking for all yellow colours that the teachers have in La Mainada and painting the Star with them, she will shine again. While the Star was recovering its colour, she started to smile again

[CAT] Aquests dies, la nostra simpàtica amiga, l'Estrelleta, ha tingut un gran problema: Havia perdut el seu color groc. Els Súpers i els Menuts van voler ajudar-la perquè estava molt trista. Tots, van trobar, ràpidament la solució: Buscant tots els colors grocs de La Mainada i pintant l'Estrelleta, aquesta tornaria a brillar. Mentre l'estaven pintant i ella anava recuperant el color, començava a somriure una altra vegada.

divendres, 20 de gener del 2017

The coldest week

[ENG] This week has been the coldest of the year, but it doesn't snow. So we have to imagine a white landscape with high mountains and tall trees in order to see a fantastic snowman. Everybody likes playing if it snows, so we won't be different and we have created our own snowman. We have made it with cotton wool, it is not cold but it is funny.

The song we have learnt this week is, of course, about a friendly snowman that wears a hat and a scarf to not be cold outside. Listen to it!

[CAT] Aquesta ha estat la setmana més freda de l'any, però no ha nevat. Per tant, aquí a La Mainada ens hem imaginat un paisatge blanc amb muntanyes i arbres alts per poder trobar i veure un fantàstic ninot de neu. A tothom li encanta sortir a jugar amb la neu quan neva, i nosaltres, no serem diferents i hem creat el nostre propi ninot de neu. Aquest, està fet de cotó fluix, que encara que no sigui fred ha estat divertit fer-lo.

La cançó d'aquesta setmana, tracta, evidentment, sobre un simpàtic ninot de neu que porta gorro i bufanda per no tenir fred. Escolteu-la!

divendres, 13 de gener del 2017

New Term

[ENG] After holidays, we have started a new term with new songs and vocabulary, and of course, we have known a new friend: A YELLOW STAR

This first week we have been speaking about winter and the weather in this season which is very very cold, so we need to wear specific clothes like gloves or scarf.

Furthermore, the Yellow Monster is in the class, so we have discovered yellow objects in the class and in a lot of pictures.
Now, we can find red and yellow things at home or in the street like the children in the songs below do.

[CAT] Després de les vacances, hem començat nou trimestre amb noves cançons i nou vocabulari, i evidentment, una nova amiga ha vingut per ensenyar-nos moltes coses: L'ESTRELLA GROGA.

Aquesta primera setmana, hem estat parlant sobre l'hivern i el temps tant gèlid que és necessari portar guants o bufanda.

A més a més, com que el Monstre de color groc és a la classe, hem buscat tota mena d'objectes d'aquest color, tant a la classe com en fotografies.
Ara, ja podem trobar coses vermelles i grogues a casa o al carrer, tal i com els nens de les cançons de l'enllaç fan.