dijous, 15 de juny del 2017

Today is...HOT!

[ENG] These days have been the hottest.  We have imagined we are on holidays. During the summer is probably we are going to swim, at the swimming-pool or at the beach. To learn more animals, we have painted a drawing where there were a lot of animals which live under the sea; for example shells, fish, starfish and dolphins.

[CAT] Aquestes dies han estat els més calorosos. Per estar més fresquets, ens hem imaginat que estem de vacances. Durant l'estiu és probable que anem a nadar, a la piscina o a la platja. Per aprendre més animals, hem pintat un dibuix on hi havia molts animals que viuen sota l'aigua; per exemple petxines, peixets, estrelles de mar i dofins.

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