dimecres, 10 de maig del 2017

The Farm

[ENG] The farm has been discovered by the children these days. Looking at different pictures, we have learnt the name, the colour and the sound of the animals which live in a farm. In a daily day, while some animals are eating their food, the others are sleeping in their houses or swimming in the lake.

Look at the pictionary to know the animals we have been learning in our sessions.

[CAT] El món de la granja ha estat descobert pels nens i nenes aquests dies. Mirant a varis dibuixos, hem après el nom, el color i el so dels animals que viuen a la granja. En un dia rutinari, mentre alguns animals estant menjant, els altres estan dormint a la seva caseta o bé nedant al llac. 

Mireu al diccionari visual per saber els animals que hem estat aprenent a les nostres sessions.

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